Days of Blood & Starlight - Laini Taylor

Ohh Laini Taylor, you are so cruel! How have you written a book that not only surpasses its predecesor, but also remains one of the best books I've read all year?! And then leave me with an ending like that! .

Days of Blood and Starlight is a beautiful work of fiction. Laini Taylor's writing is absolutely beautiful and engaging on so many levels. From describing Eretz to Marakkesh to various types of chimera, Taylor makes you feel like you are right there, seeing, feeling and smelling along with the characters.

The plot in this book was so frustrating, but in a good way. Literally every time you think something is going right for Karou or Akiva, BAM, Taylor slides something in there to make their lives even more complicated. All while continuing to maintain a tenuous (non) relationship between Karou and Akiva. Beautiful!

I liked Akiva and other characters so much more than in Daughter of Smoke and Bone. Karou becomes strong in so many ways, and has to deal with so much more pain and heartbreak. I feel as if she's really matured, and I rerally enjoyed reading about her transformation. As you know, I wasn't particularly enchanted by Akiva in the first novel. Now I can safely say that he has stolen my heart. Between his never wavering commitment to Karou and his deep desire for a peaceful world, he has become so much more interesting to me. For those of you looking for romance between these two...look elsewhere. The romance in this novel was completely eclipsed by politics and war, which I really enjoyed, as I feel like it's a departure from the usual YA formula.

Everything about this novel was beautiful and fantastically done. I can't believe we have to wait another year for the third one!